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  • Done with high impact exercise? Are your muscles and joints screaming “noooo” at you?

  • Fed up of aching and feeling stiff, need to move more freely and feel relaxed?

  • Desperate to improve muscle strength?

  • Need an alternative form of exercise thats powerful but low impact

  • Hate that you have poor balance, posture & flexibility

Good News! You are not alone… 

So I am excited to invite you to book onto my

FREE "Relieve tension, move more freely & feel better" Pilates taster session! 

In this FREE Pilates taster class you will.............


  • Feel happier exercising in a low impact effective way that will build strength in your core and muscles.

  • Feel positive when you stretch your body and increase your flexibility to move more freely,

  • Feel relieved when aches & stiffness have improved!

  • Feel welcome with lovely like minded ladies who support each other.


Hi I'm Nina

"We Dont Have To Be Great To start
We Just Have To Start To Be Great!" 

I am your Pilates teacher and it is my passion to help women feel amazing in their bodies and live a life with the benefits of Pilates & movement.

  • Improve strength, flexibility & balance, increase range of motion, better fitness performance, move more freely easing aches and pains

  • Exercise their body in a beautiful low impact way

  • Feel amazing after their Pilates class and leave with a lovely feeling of wellness and sense of achievement.

  • increased self-esteem, confidence and happiness and encouraging that all important "You Time"

I adore Pilates and the benefits it has given to my body and mind  in my busy lifestyle, and I want my clients to love it to.

I Love that I get to teach Pilates every week to wonderful ladies and It brings me absolute joy to see them improve, feel and see the benefits of their weekly Pilates classes.

I love exploring all the different variations of the exercises from the classic teachings of Joseph Pilates to modern and contemporary variations and using different small pieces of equipment.

I look forward to seeing how I can help you.


Happy Pilates


Love Nina  X


I had been doing circuits classes at a gym for years, although they provided the CV fitness my muscles and joints were constantly painful.  Nina provides very clear & precise guidance and the Pilates exercises are explained clearly.  She makes certain we are all in the correct positions. 

There is a warm welcome every week.

Jo Monk

I enjoy running but before I found Nina I had cartilage problems with my knee, issues with my hamstring and calves.  I was nervous with how my knee would cope but Nina listened to what I was struggling with and she considered what pilates moves would help.  She has been wonderful and talked me through every movement so thank you.

Jay Sunner


After just two weeks of attending Nina’s Pilates classes I’m already feeling the difference, my goal is to become more flexible and be more body aware, which I am already achieving on a daily basis. I immediately became more aware of my posture, this will be my focus moving forward with the help of Nina’s Pilates classes.

Karen Price-Collins


I’ve been doing Pilates with Nina for 6 weeks now, Prior to starting I had poor posture and carried a lot of stress in my shoulders.  In only 6 weeks I’ve noticed a huge improvement with my posture.  Nina’s Pilates is a perfect form of exercise for me.  Joining Pilates with Nina has been wonderful for me and I look forward to continuing for a long time to come

Traci Wright

During the class I literally think of nothing else, for this alone it is worth the hour, I love that I am taking this time for me each week.  I’m not the most flexible and I struggle with certain areas but I’m trying to improve with weekly Pilates classes.  Thank you for your encouragement

Amy Grainger

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